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North Carolina Auctioneer Licensing Board
Licensing and Enforcement
This Board regulates auctioneers, apprentice auctioneers, and auction firms. This site has resources for both licensees and the general public about the auction profession.
North Carolina Auctioneer Licensing Board

Agency Information
Licensee Renewal
Renewal Applications are distributed by early June. The renewal deadline date is June 30.
Continuing Education is due by May 15 of each year. You may submit your CE by email at info@ncalb.org, fax: (919) 567-2865, or regular mail to NCALB 108 Ber Creek Drive, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Please include your full name and license number with your CE. Continuing Education credit cannot be earned for the same course in consecutive years.
Continuing Education Exemption for Licensed Auctioneers Age 65 or Older
Auctioneers who are at least 65 years old and have been licensed in North Carolina for at least the previous FIVE years are exempt from Continuing Education requirements for annual license renewal purposes. The CE exemption does not apply to Auction Firm Designated Persons, unless they are otherwise exempted licensed Auctioneers, as described above. Additionally, any licensed Auctioneer or Auction Firm Designated Person experiencing a hardship may submit a written request to the Board for a CE waiver for the next license renewal period. Waiver requests must be in written form and detail the reason(s) for the request. Waiver requests are considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis. Licensees are welcome and encouraged to take CE courses, whether they are exempt or not.
Board Meetings - Examination Dates - Deadline Dates
View Board Meetings, Exams & Deadline Dates
Click on each specific date to view deadline dates.
For notices of board meetings, you can check the meeting schedule below or go to the North Carolina Secretary of State's Public Notice Calendar.
(In the field "Search for a name containing," auctioneer.")
Board meetings are open to the public, with the exception of closed sessions allowed under G.S. 143-318.11.